Pacific Gas & Electric
Pacific Gas and Electric Corporation (PG&E) is the largest public utility in the country. Founded in 1905 through a merger of the San Francisco Gas and Electric Company and the California Gas and Electric Corporation, PG&E was facing deregulation and wanted to position themselves in the newly competitive energy market.
Executives felt the corporate identity that had been in place since 1923 would be a liability in repositioning themselves as a leader in the industry.
Early research showed the public’s opinion of PG&E was quite positive when no visual stimuli was provided to subjects (dotted line on graph below). But when exposed to the existing visual identity, while responding to the same questions, opinion of the company dropped on important criteria (brown line below).
                                                  After reviewing dozens of        
                                                     possible new identities, 
                                                  we selected a concept 
                                                  based on light. We 
                                                   reasoned that the light 
                                                  provided by modern gas 
                                                 and electric services 
                                                 represents security, 
                                                 comfort, progress and confidence. Our poster introducing the concept to employees demonstrates the origin of our “Spotlight” design.
Prior to implementing the new identity, research demonstrated that it created a visual impression that improved the company’s image and supported the leadership positioning desired by management and investors (blue line). commercial 
and industrial introduction poster
Diamond Certified 
Geneva Pipe 
BAX Global 
financial services 
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